Prestige Porridge


Indian diet preferences have a significantly higher correlation with taste than nutrition. But we strongly recommend PRESTIGE Dalia – literally “Whole-Grain” – low in fat, provides complex carbohydrates, fibre, protein and an assortment of vitamins and minerals.

Balanced Cholesterol

PRESTIGE Dalia is loaded with dietary fiber (about 12%). Also, PRESTIGE Dalia is very low in fat (Less than 2%). Research shows that the combination of the above two factors helps lower total blood cholesterol levels by lowering low-density lipoprotein, or “bad,” cholesterol levels. (1)(2)

Nutrition of Whole Grain

Dalia is BROKEN (or CRACKED) WHEAT. No refining. No chemicals. 100% nutrition of wheat transformed into PRESTIGE Dalia.

Weight Loss

PRESTIGE Dalia is digested and absorbed at a slower rate, and it keeps you feeling full for a longer period – just the thing when you are trying to lose weight.

In Convenient Sizes

500 gm.